09:00 AM - 5:30 PM
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM*
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Tickets available now including special discounts for the first showings... There’s no better place to start your Christmas celebrations than at Peterborough Cathedral’s stunning lightshow, Starlight, created by Luxmuralis
The award winning artistic collaboration known as ‘Luxmuralis’ are back with a spectacular Christmas illumination display entitled: ’Starlight’. All set to transform Peterborough Cathedral inside and out using stunning sound and light artwork, Luxmuralis will begin this years Christmas celebrations taking viewers on an uplifting journey telling the Nativity Story in a modern and artistic way projected onto the historical architecture. The event which has become a family tradition for many local families promises to be a stunning experience for all ages and the perfect start to the Christmas season.
With over 90 shops, 15 places to eat and thousands of brands. Uncover hidden treasures and the unique shops that can only be found here at Queensgate.
A proud supporter of people with
Queensgate Shopping Centre, Long Causeway, Peterborough PE1 1NT, UK
09:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Plan your visitCopyright © 2025.Queensgate Shopping Centre. All rights reserved
Site by i3MEDIA