Centre Hours

09:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Leisure Hours

10:00 AM to 11:00 PM*

Visitors code of conduct

All of us here at Queensgate Peterborough are committed to making your experience with us as welcoming as possible. Whether you’re here for shopping, treating or eating, it’s important to us that each and every one of you feels at home. With that in mind we have a few simple house rules that we hope will keep everyone happy.

Here goes:

    • Please always keep an eye on any children in your care
    • Intimidating behaviour of any kind towards other visitors, our staff or our retailers is unacceptable
    • Please make sure any clothing with a hood attached is worn down
    • We don’t allow shopping trolleys on the malls other than in selected areas
    • No dropping litter, except for in the bins
    • No leafleting, canvassing, conducting third party interviews or survey’s unless we give the thumbs up first.
    • Selling goods without our go ahead is not allowed anywhere in the mall, car parks or associated areas.
    • Nor do we permit busking in the mall, car parks and associated areas unless agreed in advance by centre management.
    • Climbing or sitting on any balustrade, barrier, fence or railings is also off limits, as we would hate for anything to get broken, especially you.
    • No ball games, even if you are Lionel Messi.
    • Cycling, roller blades, scooters, skateboards and Heeley’s are a no no.
    • No shouting, swearing or use of other unpleasant language. As your mum might say ‘’it’s not nice and it’s not clever’’ and she would be right.
    • No inappropriate use of customer lifts and escalators
    • To make sure our guests are not always tripping over film crews, we do not allow commercial filming or photography unless it’s agreed by centre management first. Just pop by and have a chat to sort it out. If you’re taking shots of yourself, friends or family then snap away.
    • No throwing any object within the centre (unless it’s a smile)
    • Please no running on the malls
    • Shirts/tops and footwear must be worn at all times, except in the changing rooms of course.
    • Crash helmets should be removed upon entering the centre, even if you’re having a really bad hair day.

And finally…

    • There is a strict no smoking policy and alcohol is only to be consumed on licensed premises.
    • Electronic cigarettes are also not permitted
    • Any act of vandalism towards property belonging to us or our retailers will be dealt with accordingly and the local police informed.
    • This list doesn’t cover everything and we have the right to deny anyone entry whose actions we feel are inappropriate.
    • Anyone who ignores the above rules or commits a crime will be denied entry for as long as management see fit. All of which we hope you agree is fair.
    • But to the 99.9% of you who are wonderful, lovely people and wouldn’t dream of being the slightest bit anti-social, thank you for taking the time and trouble to read this. Enjoy the rest of your visit.

Thank you

With over 90 shops, 15 places to eat and thousands of brands. Uncover hidden treasures and the unique shops that can only be found here at Queensgate.

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Contact Us

Queensgate Shopping Centre, Long Causeway, Peterborough PE1 1NT, UK

01733 311666


09:00 AM - 5:30 PM

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